Animation flying into the air

I’m trying to animate a custom rig from blender but the animation is flinging the rig into the air.
I have anchored the rig, and it still flies into the air. The animation in the animation editor looks fine.

Animation Ingame:

Animation from editor:


local hum = script.Parent:WaitForChild("AnimationController")
local anim = hum:LoadAnimation(script:FindFirstChildOfClass("Animation"))
anim.Looped = true

Rig from explorer:

Also it could maybe be because i sized it down from the original size i exported it from, if so please tell me how to correctly size it down.


Hello? Does anyone have a way to fix this?

It’s been 3 hours since that message, anyone know how to fix it maybe?

2 hours even since this message, please!

Fixed it myself, there was a extra keyframe that didn’t need to be there and somehow made the animation do that.

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