Hey! I’ve been trying to animate a redcliff knight rig.
The way I got it was by morphing into the redcliff knight via HD Admin and then taking that model and using it.
However, when I paste the standard animate script into the rig, it doesn’t work. I assume it’s because it’s built incorrectly, however I’m not sure.
the character is set directly to that rig btw
Can you provide the animate script?
I took the one from my roblox character, then copy pasted it into the rig.
Yeah but the code it self, I can’t just debug without code.
The animate script I copy pasted? I took it from my character when I loaded in, and the script is 800 lines of code.
Yeah I just copy pasted the default one from my character lol
What rig type is your character and the Redcliff Knight rig? Are they the same rig type?
Yes, I checked and saw both rigs are r15.
Is the model welded(Welds not Motor6D).
I believe it uses Motor6Ds and not welds. However, my default character also uses Motor6D and I’m not having any problems with that.
Is the animation loading? Sometimes animation ids won’t load.