So I’m working on a game with my friends and I want to implement a looped waving animation my friend made onto a simple character rig. He sent me the .rbxanim file which I imported to my rig and subsequently uploaded to the group that owns the game.
I have a script located in the rig that is supposed to loop the animation once the server starts. Here is said script:
local animation = script:WaitForChild('Idle')
local humanoid = script.Parent:WaitForChild('Humanoid')
local idle = humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(animation)
idle.Looped = true
(This script’s parent is the Model, and the animation (‘Idle’) is its child)
This gives me the infamous ‘Failed to load animation with sanitized ID’ error; I’ve skimmed through many many forums and most of them tell me that it means I don’t own the animation. This shouldn’t be an issue, however, as I’ve uploaded the animation to the group and I am a member/developer in said group who uploaded it there in the first place.
Another solution I read is that sometimes the sanitization process just takes a while, which is understandable. However, I tried using another animation I uploaded to the same group 11 days ago… same error.
All of this has been happening in a game that is owned by the group, so ideally there wouldn’t be any issues regarding ownership… and I’m assuming it doesn’t have anything to do with time/waiting after trying the older animation either.
Here’s a video demonstration of the error. I’m kind of stumped. Any solutions would be greatly appreciated!
During playtesting in roblox studio, it will not load the animation; however when you publish and save it- and then play the game, it’ll play your animation <^_^>
I’m assuming that’s the case, I did have a similar issue before but I hope this solution works, if not then I’d gladly help!
Thank you for responding! It seems you’re right, the waving animation didn’t seem to play when I published and played on Roblox but I then tried putting the older animation I talked about which worked. I’m assuming maybe in this case the scenario just hasn’t been sanitized yet… I think I’ll just wait another day or two. Not sure how long Roblox takes to sanitize animations but either way thank you again!
I’m not the owner of the group but I’m pretty sure I have full asset permissions. This specific situation looks like it’s arising because of the bug however. Thanks though!
It’s been 2 days now since I uploaded that animation and it still doesn’t seem to work. Something I noticed is that that walking animation that DOES work was made using the native Roblox animation editor, whereas the ones that my friend made that I imported via the Blender Animations plugin were made in Blender. Ideally there shouldn’t really be an issue but I’m assuming that probably threw a wrench in this whole thing.
I understand that this might be outside the scope of the Roblox forum so I’m not gonna ask for further help but thanks to everyone who responded! You’re a big help :]
I found out the solution! For anyone who’s using Blender Animations to import animations to Roblox, MAKE SURE you upload it through a Moon Animator rig. I don’t know much about Moon Animator or Blender since I’m not an animator and I didn’t realize what it required. My friend who has it uploaded it through there and it worked… finally.