I made a idle animation for my sledgehammer
It goes up and down with the arms like normal
But why does the actual animation when played on a character have the player’s arm upside down?
The animation makes it so the player’s arm is right side up, but the in-game version doesn’t.
Perhaps you can try rewelding the tools.
local tool = script.Parent
local rWeld = tool.Parent["Right Arm"]:FindFirstChild("RightWeld")
if rWeld ~= nil then rWeld:Destroy()
local newWeld = Instance.New("Weld")
newWeld.Parent = tool.Parent["Left Arm"]
newWeld.Name = "HandleToLeftArmConnection"
newWeld.Part0 = tool.Parent["Left Arm"]
newWeld.Part1 = tool:FindFirstChild("Handle")
local deLeft = tool.Parent:FindFirstChild("Left Arm")
local weld = deLeft:FindFirstChild("HandleToLeftArmConnection")
if weld and deLeft then
Result of using script, didn’t work
local tool = script.Parent
local handle = tool.Handle
local character = nil
local connection = tool.Parent:FindFirstChild("Right Arm")
local weld = connection:WaitForChild("RightGrip")
if connection and weld then
local newWeld = Instance.new("Weld")
newWeld.Parent = tool.Parent:FindFirstChild("Left Arm")
newWeld.Part0 = tool.Parent:FindFirstChild("Left Arm")
newWeld.Part1 = handle
character = tool.Parent
if tool.Parent == game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(character).Backpack then
local exisitingWeld = character:WaitForChild("Left Arm").Weld
if exisitingWeld then
character = nil
Work fine for me, only thing need is tool animation since using this script, your tool is welded to left hand, but the right hand still play the basic tool equip animation.
I am using a local script to run the animations seperate from this, is that ok? Or should I merge both of the two different types of scripts into a regular script?
Also, result of script:
I think something is wrong with the animations.
Just use the latest script in normal script inside tool
Based on the image, the rotation of tool is like that due to the C0 and C1 is not modified. You perhaps can modify the orientation using CFrame.new * CFrame.Angles
I ended up just reanimating it, apparently the animation like corrupted so everything was completely opposite
Niceso, glad you can solve your own problem, mate!
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