[Animation Help!] Torso moving the Entire Model

What I’m Trying to Achieve

I’m trying to give my custom model it’s own walk and idle animation, user controlled.

The Issue

The model is moving with the Torso during it’s animations, If the HumanoidRootPart is anchored it will keep the torso from moving but will keep the model stuck in one place. I would’ve noticed the problems sooner but in animation editor it anchors the HumanoidRootPart but while playing it as a custom character you must have everything un-anchored for it to move. The torso was meant to express breathing and give it a less static movement.

Examples of the Problem

https://gyazo.com/2303baee66e29977d9c291054499ddb5 - Walking
https://gyazo.com/676515bbee21bd3f1812ed8fb76f411f - Idle

Original Animations

https://gyazo.com/06890ea9f59b19bfe21ce743dc41262c - Walking Anchored
https://gyazo.com/b447983363b47ba22955a398a74c08f3 - Idle Anchored

I have tried anchoring the HumanoidRootPart but it makes the character unable to move, I have tried to set anchor on with cancollide off, I have messed around with the hip height but currently can’t put it anywhere near the ground or the tail will clash against the ground and make it really twitchy.

I would like to know your feedback if you know how to fix this because I really don’t wanna restart both of these animations unless I must.


Let me start by saying those animations look amazing. Could you show a video of what it looks like with the root part anchored?


Mind showing us the models in the rig editor?

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Is it welded? Are you using Motor 6D’s? Are most of the other limbs motored towards the torso?

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show us the rigging it self too, that woud help us to find the problem.

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Post a link to this post on here.

There’s a dev there that actually works on the editor who actively responds to every animation editor bug report.

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Yeah I’m using the Motor 6D, Everything is attached to the torso.

I’ll be sure to check this out!

maybe set HumanoidRootPart.RootPriority to 1
and set Massless to false

it cool


Thank you! this actually works, I don’t understand how it does but it does.

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