Animation Editor has moved out of Beta again

Please add it back, it was a very useful feature especially when I animate weapon animations. I want to copy keyframes across weapon animations, such as copying an idle animation to the reload animation.

Seems like the animation editor slows down my studio. I’ve done 2 tests with this, and it seems I’m right.

After finishing an animation in the editor:

After closing out studio completely and re-opening it:

It seems there is a noticeable delay between selecting objects in studio after the animation editor. Also, using the animation editor more and more tends to slow down studio to the point where whenever I double click a script to open it up, it thinks I’m trying to change the name, and I have to switch the location of my cursor to the script icon instead of the name. Or, this could just be happening to me. It seems to happen on all of the games I edit in studio as well.

Hmm, I’ll have to do some profiling to be sure. If you could provide me with a test place where this is happening that would be great! How many instances live on the models that you are animating? We are already aware that the instances under AnimSaves on the model can get pretty gnarly with a lot of large locally saved animations, but we ignore those instances when scanning through the model.

I have around 20 saved animations in the animsaves model

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I haven’t animated for months until today - similar to what @seansy said 24 days ago, I am also having issues with this new editor’s 1 second minimum length. I have a looping 15 frame animation that I cannot use because it exports as 30 frames.

Not to repeat what others may have already said, but here’s a full list of other problems I’m having with this re-Beta’d editor:

  • Switching between rotating and translating parts is not obvious (still the R key), and I haven’t been able to find snap increments
  • You must hit the enter key to input values, just unfocusing does not achieve this as it ought to
  • Since values aren’t clear-on-focus, the floating point decimals which appear 90% of the time (e.g. 14.999999, -0.00000125) add additional difficulty to manually setting values
  • If the timeline is displaying in seconds instead of frames, it really should accept values as 2 = 2:00 instead of 2 = 2 frames, and vice versa

Regarding, the timeline length issue and your first point:

The animation should still export with 15 frames. 30 frames is just the minimum displayable timeline length in the editor, unless you zoom in.

We will work on improving the other points, thanks for bringing them to our attention


Thanks for the clarification on the new timeline, I did a quick test on a default rig with a 12 frame loop and it worked fine. I must’ve been having a playback issue with my custom rig yesterday and so I attributed it to the clamped timeline length.

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I got an issue i actually need to copy a animation to other animation but i actually can’t , its there a way to get the old animation editor or get this added again?

Copying/pasting keyframes between animations in the new editor should be available in the next week or two. :slight_smile:


I’m very excited. Took some time to get used to, but it’s still very good.

I’m still getting used to it but i’m excited for the future of animation. :+1:

Will you consider letting us use the older version too? I’m sure there are many people who like the new update, as there are many who prefer the older one. A separate plugin is all we need, while you can continue improving the new one. :slight_smile:

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I am unfortunately having the same problem. I have rigs that have hundreds of parts in them. Before the animation editor updated, I didn’t really see a need to name every single part since in the end, I was going to weld them to the parts that were being used in the rig. Since every single unnamed part in my rigs are named ‘Part’ I can’t animate any of the rigs that contain these parts. I’d literally have to go through and re-name every single part. I support how Roblox is attempting to move in a positive direction, but I feel like this new animation editor is a set back for what I do.


Copy/pasting between animations should now be live. Please note this only works for the same rig.



Thank you so much for it! :heart:

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Every single time I import an animation, the frame rate gets reset and reduced from what it was when I exported the animation and if I increase the frame rate back up to what it was when I exported it, then the whole animation gets sped up and I have to realign the keyframes manually to get the same speed it was before I imported it. I have to do this every single time. This is very unnecessary in my opinion and I’m not a fan of it being frames per second instead of just seconds and milliseconds like it was before.

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Hmm, are you importing an old animation (from before this new animation editor update), or is this an animation you created in this new editor?

If you didn’t notice, I unlocked the IK API (which was previously Roblox-only) as part of the Lua Draggers Beta, so community animation plugins should now be able to include the same IK functionality as the official ones.

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It happens to all animations I create with the new editor. It simply does not save my frame rate preferences. I’ve also found out that the easing directions are opposites of what’s being played in the animation editor to what’s being played in-game.

I still do use the animation editor though. Because other than that, it’s pretty good.

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Okay, and if you animated this in the new editor, I’m assuming you animated at the default FPS (30) when you first made it? Or did you change to something custom first?

Just so you all know, there’s some shortcuts for navigating the timeline easier, these are also documented on the devhub but just to spread the word:

  • Ctrl + Mouse Wheel in timeline: Zoom in/out
  • Hold Middle Mouse + Drag in timeline: Pan left/right

Love the new editor! :wink:

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