Animation Import is too High?🤨

Alrighty, it’s been a while! Hope yall are doing well.

To start off; I can’t tell if I am super rusty or incredibly tired (possibly a mix of both), but I am having an issue.
Specifically within the animation editor fbx import feature.

Recently, I have been experimenting with bones instead of welds and motor6Ds.
My research brought me to FBX animations and importing them from blender into Roblox, and it’s overall working very well.

However, the height of the animation that I imported is higher than it should be. I can’t tell if this is a
blender issue, or if it’s a Roblox import issue, but what I know for sure is that is super annoying!

Here is the blender animation.

This is the imported animation.

Not even sure where to start, but the first thing I looked into was the blender x,y, and z coordinates. Found no irregularities there.

Any help is appreciated!
Thank you, and have a great day!

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Is the model in blender at coordinate 0,0,0?

Lil preset for you:
Animation Resizer
it often fixes any problem you have when you scale animations.

Actually it seems it has an offset not that it wasn’t scale correctly - my bad
it might be what @Chocolauf said.

If that still doesnt work you could try importing the fbx you exported for roblox back in blender(that will let you see if it was an importing mistake or roblox’s animator)

yes, yes it is! That was the very first thing I checked!

where is the origin point of the mesh?

try what ive suggested here and try sending us the problems you see / if there are no problems

that’s visible in the video he sent of blender

I havent used blender but I think its because its not at the center of the ball:


Might be a little bit late, but can you try sending the blend file AND the fbx you are using.

I did end up figuring out the issue, it was because of the pivot point. You have to put it at the very bottom of a model before exporting it from roblox to blender.