Animation influences UpperTorso

Hello everyone,

I have made an animation recently as a Reload Animation for my weapon, and I noticed a revelant issue in it. For short, the UpperTorso remains “up” even if no keyframe for it exists. I also noticed that the character starts “floating” a bit when playing.

Here is the Animator with the animation:

As you can see, there is no keyframe for the UpperTorso or anything else besides the arms and their lower parts.

But, the animation looks like this when playing in-game. Here is a video posted on Streamable (as Devforum didn’t seem to accept it)

Here, you can see that the UpperTorso is “locked” and that the character starts floating a little bit.

So far, I have tried searching for topics about Animations issues, tried exporting & reimporting the animation, changed Dummy and Animation Priority (lower, higher). I have also tried changing Animator but nothing fixed it.

I suppose that the issue is probably quite stupid but still I didn’t find anything to fix it.

Click the 3 dots next to UpperTorso in the Animation Editor, and click “Delete Track”. Do the same with the LowerTorso as necessary. Don’t worry, it won’t delete any of the other tracks.

If the track doesn’t show, I don’t know what is going on.

As my animation doesn’t have Upper and Lower Torso in, I added them but as expected, there were no tracks for them:

I anyway deleted them but nothing changed.

In that case, what is the result of calling Animator:GetPlayingAnimationTracks() while the animation is playing?

I don’t know how I am supposed to use it…

Print it out while the animation is playing. It should show {…}, click the arrow by it and send the results.

The console prints me this but I don’t know if that is really helpful…

Why do you have so many idle animations?

It’s a good question I think I messed something up. But anyway, I think I will just re-do the animation itself as the other ones I made after work fine without issue. Thank you for your time.

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