Animation Issue || Arm not going back

Recently, I have gotten into animation, and it’s pretty cool, and I see why people like to do it.

Anyways, I have been working on a gun animation for a group, but when I put it into it’s “Patrol”/“Holster” state, the arm is stuck at it’s shooting point, but other’s do not have the issue.

Is someone able to help? Thanks.
~ Flam

I can’t tell what your question is. What are you asking about? Which arm / part is the issue?

Within the GIF I posted, the left arm is stuck up in the air, which in the animation editor, I wanted it to go back to a normal arm position.

You need to click on the arm joint to set an animation keyframe - otherwise, that is ignored. Follow these steps:

  1. Move the time wiper to the start position
  2. Click on the root joint (shoulder) for the Left Arm (“UpperLeftArm”)
  3. Click on one of the axis joints (like the move or rotate bars that will appear around them)
  4. You should see a diamond get added to that position on that part (a keyframe). This will keep its position :slight_smile:
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Unfortunately, that did not work.
It seemed to give it my “LongGun” animation for putting it to the side instead of giving putting it to the side and not giving the bounciness I would have liked it to have.

Similar to Creepysins, when you have it holstered or to the side, it bounces you like the normal roblox animation, but I would have liked it to the side, similar to the Area 14 guns.

Good thing I happen to be CreepySins Head Developer :slight_smile:

I think the issue here is actually the inverse of what I solved. You need to make sure no animations are lingering that will affect that Left Arm - basically, do the opposite of what I told you to do, with all the animations you’re playing at the time

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Alrighty, thank you so much!

Haha, thought I saw your name somewhere before!

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