Animation issue, pls help!

I have this one issue that’s been bugging me the day I touched Roblox studio. I’ll explain it briefly.

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
    I want the movement animations and tools to actually blend together correctly

  2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
    It’s hard to explain. I made a custom walking animation which moves the torso in a certain way, but when I equip a tool, any tool, the torso just gets locked in one place.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
    I’ve tried changing the animation priority, converting the events that play the animations to a local script, yada yada. But nothing has worked and noone else seems to have this issue, since I’ve searched long and wide.

NOTE: I am using the default R6 animate script, if you know what that is. Is that maybe the issue? I dunno, but if someone can help me out, I will be eternally grateful.

PS: I’ve experimented a bit and found out if you don’t move AT ALL once you spawn the first time and then equip the tool, the animation plays correctly, so… I’ll pin some videos below.

Below is the issue

Below is what I’d like to achieve

Can I see the output?

Also, try adding a boolean attribute to Workspace called RbxLegacyAnimationBlending, and enable it.

I’m having trouble understanding the difference in each video.

Basically, you see how in the first video the torso is just locked in place when I’m moving and in the second one it’s actually moving how I want it to? It’s hardly noticeable since the videos are laggy, but I took them in a rush using the built-in Roblox recorder. If you’d like I could try capturing them with something like OBS and sending them.

Do you mean the little bar at the bottom that gives you errors when you mess up? In that case, I don’t think it’ll help since nothing shows up, but I’ll try your solution, thanks.

Nope, it doesn’t work. The issue still arises.

Are you talking about the output window or the command bar?

Output window. It’s my best frienemy. It also makes me question my existence whilst ALSO providing me the solution!

PS: Sorry for the late response, I got caught up in my own personal issues.

OH MY BAGUETTES! I JUST FOUND A FIX FOR IT! So, y’know the animate script, right? Apparently, line 261 sets the animations that get played to core, automatically. You can then simply modify the line to be a higher animation value, say, movement. Doing so will simply fix this issue! HALLELUJAH!