Animation issue with Skinned Rig

I am trying to create a sitting down animation for my game where the rig reaches a certain position in a cutscene and the sitting down animation plays.

When I used the skinned rig, which was used in the development of the animation, it plays differently to how it does inside of the editor but when I use a blocky rig it works perfectly fine.

I have searched throughout the developer forum and web for any similar issues and solutions and have not found anything which has helped me in any way so far.

Animation in the editor:

Animation when tested with the same rig used for development:

Animation when tested with blocky rig (not used during development of the animation):

All help is appreciated!


I’ve been continuing to try and amend this issue with no success and I’m starting to come to the conclusion that this may be a bug, is there any way I can change the category of this post to a bug report?

Edit: Unable to resolve this issue so have stopped using these skinned rigs. Help is still appreciated regardless.

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