Animation Keeps Repeating

I want my animation to not repeat after it plays.
I made a new animation that basically simulates punching, but when I play it, it keeps repeating and doesn’t stop.

This confuses me because other animations I play don’t repeat and I’m using the same script for both of them.

Here is the test code I wrote to simulate the animation. Below it is a picture for better reference

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

local Animations = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Animations")

local char = script.Parent
local hum = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local animator = hum:WaitForChild("Animator")

local anim = Animations:WaitForChild("M1")

local animTask = animator:LoadAnimation(anim)

while wait(3) do

I have a picture of 2 rigs, the right is repeating and the left isn’t repeating, while they both use the same script.

Maybe you pressed the repeat animation button when making the animation. You need to cancel the button and re-upload to solve the problem of repeated playback.

OHH, I pressed that to see what it looks like constantly. I didn’t think it would affect the animation entirely!

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