Animation Key same as Chat Button on AZERTY

I have a Belgium Period keyboard which is a pretty generic azerty keyboard with a few differences. From what I can tell it happens on pretty much every azerty keyboard.

In order to chat I need to press SHIFT + =.
In order to play an animation I need to press the = key.

This all started happening after the animation key got moved from the B key to my chat button. It’s very annoying to type in game and having to close the animation window every time. In order to deal with it I try to post in pairs, so I’ll type one sentence and follow it up with another, so the second one closes the animation window.

My keyboard layout:



You could either change the key to open up your keyboard, OR you could disable emotes in the game

I’m not quite sure what you mean here. Roblox doesn’t have a system for changing in-game keybinds.

This isn’t really a choice for the OP as it’s happening to all games, not just theirs (and you cannot disable emotes unless it is their own game)

I could change the keyboard layout but then I’d have to type in QWERTY which is an even worse annoyance than the current problem.

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I thought this was an issue with UI and not an actual irl keyboard, mb

Well it is an issue with the UI in the sense that the UI doesn’t respect keyboards from different regions.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: SHIFT + SLASH opens the emotes menu on Azerty keyboards

Thanks for the report! We’ve filed this internally and we’ll follow up here when we have an update for you.


Hello! This is still happening and I wondered if there was a workaround in meantime?


I have asked the engineers if there is a work around for this. They are working on a fix for this. Not sure when that will roll out. When i get any info i will pass it on.


No problem, thanks for keeping me up to date (and the fast reply!)

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