Animation lagging in game but not in animator

Hi, I’m new to animation and I just encountered a problem, when I play the animation I made in game, it stutters / lags. Here’s what I mean

Playing in moon animator:

Playing in game:

Any way to fix this? I followed this tutorial for animating tools: (How to animate Tool Parts (Guns, Knifes etc.))

See if this helps.

for me it kinda looks the exact same except for at the start where the animation is most likely trying to load, try pre-loading the animation maybe?

try preloading it with ContentProvider:PreloadAsync({YOURANIM}) and use a pcall to preload if needed, and check if something in your script is delaying the anim to play (for what i see the knife appears in the air when equipped the tool, then after 0.1 secs or more or less it plays the anim)