Animation looks difference in game

here looks in editor:

and here looks like in game:

very slide differences and i dont know why and how to fixed


You have to switch the EasingDirection for any keyframe that has the EasingStyle other than Linear.
EasingDirection.In → EasingDirection.Out

just why¿?, dont really make any sense to me tbh, why that will make ANY difference?

and i did what youre saying but DIDNT do anything, LOOK:


Internally the animation easing direction is switched on the Client.

huh? what?. can you please be more spesific?, i dont know a lot about animation in its entirety. so please explain me how to do that

You have the keyframes set to constant. Thry have an easing direction. Reverse those.

make the animation priority higher

i did that and trusth me is not working, and worse part is IS NOT THE PLAYER CHARACTER, literaly is other model from the workspace that youre seeing

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