I’ve been doing animations seriously for about a year now, before that I’d basically just do animations for my personal stuff. When I started doing commissions for animations, I noticed one MAJOR drawback, the way you need to transfer ownership of the animations.
As of right now, there is only 2 ways, upload it to the resting place, such as a group. Or send a file(RBXM/RBLX) to the client.
Both ways can be kinda scary to a new developer, imagine you’re doing your first game, you need to go hire an animator, he either wants full access to your group games, or he wants you to download a random file and install it in your game.
I think a good alternative would be to have a marketplace set up, like there if for Plugins, Models, etc. You can either have it like Plug-ins where they are some that are free and some that are paid or like Models where its all free to use.
woud be nice an option to select someone from your friend list to be able to get your model/animation or anything stored in roblox as, like an white list where people in it can get your model no matter if you disabled allow copy or not.
so you can go add someone to the list, he go and get it easy like that.
instead oppening your model/animation to anyone get it.
some times you just want a friend to get your model but you need to risk to open your model to anyone get it just for your friend add your model to his inventory.
so an add/remove friend from white list woud be nice, such as someone that got addeded be able to quit him self from the list of models.
A good solution to this issue requires compromise on both sides. I don’t think a full-fledge marketplace for animations is necessary, but I do understand how frustrating it is to share animations. Adding a section on the animation’s configure page, where you can add users to gain access to the animation, would be the best way to go about it. From there, the user can then choose to use that particular asset ID in their game, or even export it under their own asset ID.