Animation Mirror Plugin

I was very annoyed with roblox’s lack of mirroring functionality, so I made a plugin to do it for me.
Big thanks to MIrrored Looping Animation for mirror code (I simply adopted it into a plugin form)

How to use:

  1. Save animation to a rig
  2. Press “Mirror Animation” button in the plugin bar
  3. Click the rig the animation was saved to (note: this currently doesn’t show a selection box - this will be fixed in the future)
  4. Select which animation you would like to mirror
    The mirrored animation will be saved as animationName_mirrored, where animationName is the name of the animation you are mirroring.

Request features and post bugs below (NOTE: This is very quick n’ dirty, so please do expect some bugs!)


I love this! Great work!


Feature Request:

Mirroring from back to front or front to back.


fix pls !!! this plugin is precious and must be saved at all costs

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Moon Animator already provides this functionality, so you could use that plugin. Here’s the tutorial (you should be able to find the info on mirroring here). Getting Started with Moon Animator 2 - [Unofficial]


Please add R6!! It is the most usable animation style


I understand that this is a super old thread, but does this even work anymore? Nothing happens when I do the instructions provided.


@sayhisam1 Could you please provide a video to see it in action? because im confused of how to use it (perhaps it is broken)

This plugin no longer works i believe :frowning:

It is. The plugin’s script is disabled. I downloaded it and had to enable it myself for it to work. Hopefully the OP sees it.

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Plugin seems to be broken.

You can always use the old version of Moon Animator.

I’m confused on what you mean by saying “old version.” Maybe there’s a version I haven’t heard of or just forgot about. Should I still refer to an older version or use a different resource?

The old version of Moon Animator had an animation mirror feature. Because so much time has passed, the definition of “old” has changed.