local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local Char = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent
local Humanoid = Char.Humanoid
local Tool = script.Parent
local RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local PlayerFuncs = require(RS.Player.Modules.Functions)
local Animations = RS.Animations.Tools.GreatSword
local Anim = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Animations.Swing2)
UIS.InputBegan:Connect(function(Input, GameProccess)
if Input.UserInputType.Value == 0 and not GameProccess and not Anim.IsPlaying then
Did you make sure to set the AnimationPriority of your Animation to a high Value, like Action4? Cause you’d want to prioritize which Animations you want playing first so that the weighting doesn’t overlap each other
yes the animation priority is set to action and i changed the humanoid variable to animator however the problem persists thank you for your help though
im going to assume this has something to do with changing the easing styles of the animations for anyone looking in the future because i was toying around with them on this animation a bit and this error is occuring so it might be an engine bug
i did all that first off sorry i shouldve mentioned the things i tried. the only soloution to this was to just make a new animation and not play around with easing styles (just do the easing styles last and not mess around w them to much)
Gotcha, just make sure to mark the post as a solution then so that people know about it
I remember a similar issue I was facing before where the Animation wouldn’t fully work all the way, and the last time I remember changing was frequently configuring both the Tool’s Handle, and the Right Arm of the animation which eventually led to the Motor6D not properly replicating back as opposed to playing it within Studio (Even though I changed the C0 and C1 properties just fine)
Yeah, if we ever encounter it again we can file a Bug Report for that occasion