Animation not looping properly

I wanted to make a looped animation and when i see it in the animation editor it is just fine but when i play it in game it stops the animation and starts it again in a weird order

forgot to mention this is the code that I’m using incase the code itself is faulthy
"local animation =“Animation”)
animation.AnimationId = “

local loadedAnimation = script.Parent:FindFirstChild(“Humanoid”):LoadAnimation(animation)

You need to check if something is overlaping the animation with the same priority or higher, if it’s idle or movement or action, check if any other animations have a higher priority that could be playing at that moment.

does not seem to be the issue since i’ve tried to change it to action 4 so it should’ve been the highest priority but it keep looking like that

Issue is fixed i didn’t like it so i wanted to revamp while revamping noticed the first keyframes bugged causing it to reset

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