Animation not looping

for whatever reason, the animations aren’t looping. i’ve double checked that it was looped in the editor at least a thousand times, but it still only plays once. i saw a post about how Humanoid:LoadAnimation() was deprecated so I already switched to Animator:LoadAnimation(), but it made no difference.

           local makeready = char.Humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(anims:WaitForChild("MakeReady"))

Have you made sure that the animation is set to looping in the animation editor? If it is not, make sure to reupload it.

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I already have, many, many, many, times.

Are you trying to make the “makeReady” and “Ready” animation loop together?

As in, it’ll play: makeReady → Ready → makeReady → Ready

Or do you just want “makeReady” to play once and then for “Ready” to loop?

I just want makeready to play once then ready to loop

Have you tried setting the looped value to true via the script?

Also, does the makeReady animation work, or does none of it work?

Can you try this?

local MakeReady = anims:WaitForChild("MakeReady")
local MakeReadyAnimTrack = humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(MakeReady)

local Ready = anims:WaitForChild("Ready")
local ReadyAnimTrack = humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(Ready)

ReadyAnimTrack.Looped = true

it all works except for the looping

Still doesnt work, the other animation in the script doesnt work either
thought you might want to know

if it helps, this is being played in a server script from a remote event

Are you animating a player or NPC?

I am animating a player (fil fill fi)

That’s your issue then, try it using a local script. Animations are made to replicate even when played locally.

A better way to check if an animations looping property is set to true is to load the animation as an object in studio and checking if the property is checked. I doubt this is the case but just checking if its looping in the editor doesn’t really matter if the animation ID isn’t being updated.

I know you checked many times but I want to be doubly safe that the actual ID that is uploaded to the site also has looping set to true

I moved the animations, however the looping issue hasnt been resolved

Could you try what OKevin suggested?