Animation not playing as intended

Hello, so I’ve been messing around in studio today and tried to make my own walking animation. Theres no problem at all with playing the animation.

Here is how the animation plays.

Here is how the animation SHOULD play.

Any help?. And no, I have not messed with the animation speed at all.

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Are you sure u set the animation that its on loop

other possibility moon suit is currently being derp
so i advise using robloxs default animation plugin if it fixes it

other issue is just remake it and make sure u have the animation set on looping

The animation is on loop.

And I don’t think it’s Moon Suite being weird. All other animations works perfectly.

And I’ve already tried to remake it several times

Welp just remake it in robloxs animator plugin i know its not great but you would be able to avoid the issue