I am having a weird issue where an animation I have made where an NPC spins around 360 works fine on the animator software but when it is actually applied to the game and the animation is played, the NPC just plays everything but the spinning. Is there anyway around this or known fixes?
What software are you using for your animations? The animation editor or some other software?
Blender and then ported to ROBLOX studio and I tested it on the rig in the animation editor on ROBLOX and it played fine.
I don’t know much about Blender. However, you should still check that the animation fits the requirements in order to play in your game.
It does, since part of it plays on the NPC except the spinning portion which should play while the other movements happen. So parts of it are working just the spinning isn’t.
It is most likely because Roblox finds the shortest way to move the object; it rotates it in the other direction (so, in this case, not at all). The solution in Blender is to add about five keyframes in between the 360-degree spin, and Roblox will know what to do.
Even if in the animation editor it shows it doing the full 360?
I think so, I have run into this problem before
Noted, I’ll give that a shot then and report back, thank you!
Sadly didn’t work, the ROBLOX animator still shows it turning the proper way but it doesn’t rotate at all in game.
Ended up doing this in ROBLOX studio instead with the blender animation and it worked! Thank you