Animation Not Playing Correctly

For some reason my animation plays differently during testing (studio and normal Roblox), and I cant find a solution.

^ how it should look, comes from behind the wall

^ how it looks in game, goes Infront instead.

honestly this is making me wanna tear my hair out, I have tried doing things like tweaking hip height (with no difference), I tried messing with collisions and just republishing the animation. And this is happening to all my animations actually; I have one where it drops from the ceiling through a hole and in game its lower than its supposed to be. I really need help :frowning:

(btw the priority is set to action 4, and the HumanoidRootPart is anchored)


sorry i realized i exported the videos incorrectly, it should be fixed now (second one lower quality due to roblox only allowing 10mb files)

Eitherway, it’s pretty hard to see what the issue actually is. Is your priority set to Action4? Is the RootPart set? Is it anchored and so on

ya should have mention a few of those (im quite new to this), the answer is yes to all you listed, the priority is set to action 4 and the rootpart is the HumanoidRootPart and is anchored

oh and i forgot to mention the character is supposed to go outside of the grid that shows up in the animator, and instead goes to the corner. i tried to replicate the issue to see if i just couldnt animate outside said grid but it seems to only apply here (which is weird)

figured out the problem, if a animation moves outside the grid it will just break and stop, which is super weird. because you cant make the grid bigger there is no solution that i know of

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