Animation not playing for non-humanoid view model with animation controller, no errors either

I have a non-humanoid first person view model with an animation controller inside. I want to play an idle animation with a gun, but it’s not playing.

I tried changing the animation priority to the highest (Action4), but still nothing happens.

This is what should be playing

As you can see from the shadow, nothing is playing and there are no errors in the output

This is the code that loads the animation onto the AnimationController’s animator and plays it:

local equipTrack = vm:WaitForChild("AnimationController"):WaitForChild("Animator"):LoadAnimation(equip)
equipTrack.Priority = Enum.AnimationPriority.Action4

You should check to make sure the script is actually running that code and that the animation is looped.

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It was a roblox engine bug, it works now.

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