Animation Not playing Properly on NPC (Differs from animation editor)

I made a on touch part that will play an animation for two npcs.
The animation plays differently than what I had made in the animation editor…
ill provide clips here:
this is how it is suppose to look (animation editor)

then in game it comes out like this:

like I tried so many ways to fix it, but it keeps coming out weird like this in game…

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Make sure that the animation priority is the highest priority, just in case (Action4).

Can you post the script? We can’t really help if we don’t know what’s happening.

here is the script. (basically on touch they will both do their animation.)

I also tried moving the animation priority to action 4, idle, and etc. none have worked.

its not recommended to make an anim that makes the npc move, just try using humanoid:MoveTo() with a walking anim an additional anims i might have not seen, u can see it here: Humanoid

u can use invisible cannotcollide waypoints for MoveTo

if u dont want to use MoveTo(), then uh the other npc, if its playing a similar walking anim, what anim priority does the other npc have