Animation not playing properly

What I want to achieve is well my animation to play normally

It was normal before but now it has changed, the issue is the animation isnt playing properly. Looks like this:

It happened when I inserted a new animation. Tried using the highest priority - action4, but it didnt work. After that, I tried checking the new animation and removing it. Still didnt work!! Whats going on!?

The code for the aim part:

	holster = true
	local Character = Player.Character
	LoadAnim = Character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Aim)
	LoadAnim.Priority = Enum.AnimationPriority.Action4
	LoadAnim.Looped = true

		holster = false

as long as the default Roblox walking/idle animations are still running they’re gonna interfere with the custom animation you made, to fix this you’ll have to make custom walking animations too

I do have custom walking animations however, for some reason its not working.

maybe because your using the highest priority for the idle animations?
Try setting the idle animation priority to action3 or lower and the walking animations to action4

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The priority is idle, not action4. EDIT: Nevermind, your right, an animation was above it! Thanks

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