Animation not playing the same as the animation editor

Hello everyone,

My friend made an animation for a tool I use for my game and it looks good. However, once I tested it in game the animation doesn’t play correctly

Here is the animation in the editor:

and here it is in game:

as you can see the in game animation doesn’t lower the sword like the editor which causes a bit of trouble.

here is the local script responsible for playing the animation:

local Tool = script.Parent
local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local RemoteEvent = Tool:WaitForChild("RemoteEvent")
local SlashSound = script:WaitForChild("swordslash")
local SwordHitSound = game:GetService("SoundService"):WaitForChild("swordslash")
local SlashAnimation = Tool:WaitForChild("1stSlashAnimation")
local SecondSlash = Tool:WaitForChild("2ndSlashAnimation")
local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService")

local IsUsed = false

	if IsUsed == false then
		IsUsed = true
		local Humanoid = Player.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
		local Animator = Humanoid:FindFirstChild("Animator")
		local Animation = Animator:LoadAnimation(SlashAnimation)
		--Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0
		if SwordHitSound.IsPlaying == false then
		Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16
		IsUsed = false

Any Help?

the motor6d looks fine, you have set the animation priority right?

yes it’s the maximum priority (Action 4) but I didn’t use motor6d

you need to use motor6d when you are animating weapons. (atleast thats how i animate weapons)

I have no idea how to use them. Could you help me out on what I should do?

okay, how exactly did you animate the weapon? is the weapon welded to the grip of the arm?

I use the handle and RequireHandle set to true so yes

I may be wrong, but I assume you have a keyframe right at the start of the swinging animation.

Roblox handles the transition between animations automatically, so if you delete that first keyframe, or if you move the whole thing over a little, then re-export it, it should work just fine.

I don’t know how you made the animation saying I cannot see the animation editor in the first video, but I’m just assuming. If I’m wrong let me know, but if you have a keyframe right at the start, try deleting it!

so what you need to do is you create a motor6d inside the torso of the dummy. once you made one, you go to the properties of the motor6d and set the Parent 0 to the torso and Parent 1 to the handle. (you can rename the motor6d if you want) upon making one make sure everything inside the tool is welded together, and you should be able to start animating it. once you animate it you need to grab a “motor6d” script from the toolbox, just grab the first one you see “tool grip motor 6d” and place the script it inside serverscriptservice. and everything should work

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