Animation not playing?

So basically I’m making a round based game and when ever the round ends I want to have a staue of the player that won dancing.

I’ve made a script that changes the statues model whenever there is a new winner and also play a animation on the model of that player but the animation wont play and I’m getting no error messages, anyone know why?


  • Is it printing on line 5 & 7?
  • Is the variable animation (line 12) an actual animation?
    A solution to point 2 could be:
local animation ="Animation")
local id = "" -- fill this in or expand string below by putting id after "id="
animation.AnimationId = ""
  • Is the Humanoid on line 11 existent?
local humanoid = script.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
if humanoid then
  -- insert lines 12 - 15
  warn('No humanoid found')