Animation not Playing

Hi Everyone,

Im very new to animating objects that are not players, I’ve made a simple gun system but when I try to play the animation it doesn’t play:

Gun Animation Clip

Gun Animation Not Playing Video

Here is the layout of everything:


And Here is my Code:

local ViewModel: Model = Camera:WaitForChild("ViewModel")
local VM_Gun: Model = ViewModel:WaitForChild("Gun")

local VMGunAnimator: Animator = VM_Gun:WaitForChild("Humanoid"):WaitForChild("Animator")
local VMGunDBAnim = GunAnimationFolder:WaitForChild("GunShot Debounce")

local function GunDamage(Bullet)
	local VMGunTrack = VMGunAnimator:LoadAnimation(VMGunDBAnim)


Help would be greatly appreicated!


Im not entirely sure whats wrong based off of your script, but try moving your variable for VMGunTrack outside the local function and test it again.


moving it outsidde didn’t work sadly : (

Are there any errors in your output?

no errors, it just strangely doesnt play the animationj, i even added lots of print statements but everything seemd normal to me.

I know this might be a dumb question, but does your animation in the folder have the ID in it?

yes it does have the animation ID it in :+1:

Do you call your function GunDamage()?

and if so, have you tried adding a print statement in that function to see if it runs through it?

yeah I did everything, strange why animation not playing cause I can’t find anything wrong with it.

If you want to add me to your studio I can try to see if I can fix the issue.

what is ur dc i can add u there



I think the solution to this problem would be calling the “GunDamage” function in the script. To do this, you just need to add “GunDamage()” and put the parameter “Bullet” inside the parenthesis.

nvm I found the solution, the gun parts were anchored so the animation wouldnt play

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