I have a model that I want to run an animation inside of, but it doesn’t play the animation.
H is the humanoid that the Animator is located in, but whether I use a Humanoid or an AnimationController, the animation still doesn’t play. The strange part is, it still says the animation is running when running Humanoid:GetPlayingAnimationTracks() , but I’m still not sure why it doesn’t run.
I created the animation inside the exact same model I am using, I double checked the AnimationID, so I’m still not sure why it is not running, but I am assuming its a problem with the model. The model is just a few parts welded together along with Motor6Ds to animate two parts inside of it, and when using the ROBLOX Animation Editor, the animation works perfectly fine, but doesn’t run at all in game as if the whole model is anchored.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you
local bigjudge = effects.BigCups:Clone()
bigjudge.Parent = workspace.VFX
bigjudge.PrimaryPart.CFrame = char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,14,-10)
local judgeanim = bigjudge.H.Animator:LoadAnimation(bigjudge.AnimationCups)