Animation not showing

When testing a game out with my friend, for some reason the jumping animation I added did not show for him. However, it worked for me. Why is that?

I am assuming your friend is the game owner and you uploaded the jumping animation to roblox, basically the creator of the game needs to be the creator of the animation if you want to see it.

Just tell your friend to upload the animation himself and put in the animation ID.

Lots of other people have had the same issue, I suggest researching before asking next time.

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I am the game owner. And I did actually check the others but I didn’t find one about this.

This could have something to do with the way that you run your animation. I’m not sure of specifics because I don’t have details on how your game is set up, but essentially what you need to do is make sure the animation gets replicated across all clients, instead of just played on yours. You could try to place the animation asset in ReplicatedStorage and access it from there in your Local scripts.