Animation Not The Same In-Game Compared To Animation Editor

Title explains it, more info will be given here.
This is the animation editor anim:

This is the in-game anim:

As you can see, i feel like some keyframes are missed, and the hammer is also slightly tilted to the right which doesnt happen in the animation editor (i looked at it from all point of views)

The hammer is attached to the right arm by a Motor6D, the motor6d was attached with a plugin

The animation is on Action 4 and is played on the server, so what could be a problem

Provide us with the script and a few trouble shooting options are:

  • Set the weight property while playing the animation to 10 or something hire.
  • Play the animation on the client. (It’s better)
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Whats weight on an animation and how do you change the property

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Also idk if i can provide the script since its pretty advanced for playing the animation

While using the AnimationTrack:Play() method the 2nd argument is the weight. Here are the arguments:

AnimationTrack:Play(FadeTime (Tweens play the animation), Weight (Determines Priority Of Animation), Speed (1 Default))

Well then idk if i can help you with your issue because its a pretty advanced problem for playing the animation.

(Give us the script so we can actually help you if of course the troubleshoot doesn’t work.)

Ok so its getting late so Ima go to sleep but ima try to send a shortened script tomorrow at least (but i might be busy tomorrow)

I dont think its the script tho cuz the other animations work pretty fine its just this one and another one (Im using the same code to play this animation and the ones that work perfectly)

I will try the weight thing

The reason why Im hesitant on showing script is cuz the way to play the animation actually includes 2 modulescripts too (One puts the animations inside a table and the other plays the animation from the table)

Ok nvm I figured it out

I replublished the animation but the republished animation had the beginning keyframe be linear and the beginning keyframes had all the limbs are their original position

And i redid the motor6D connecting the hammer to the arm

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