Animation not working | FE Gun Kit Edited

Hello Developers,

I was testing out FE Gun Kit Edited version and made a G17 with it, however the reload animation LOOKS NOTHING like the animated version. To get some confusion out of the way, My Idle animation has an animation priority of Movement, Equip animation’s priority is Action, Fire animation’s priority is Action and my Reload animation’s priority is also Action.

What it looks like in-game:

What it’s suppose to look like:

Any Help is Appreciated,

Did you try set Animation Weight in workspace properties to false? Because if you didn’t then every animation that set to action will override animations that are playing at the same time

Edit: basically they will override keyframes, not the entire animation

It is disabled.


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Ok I just realized something. The tool grip does affect how the idle animation looks like.

Everything else moves except for the “Handle” part in the reload animation.
that is the problem

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Yeah sorry, i forgot that it uses enabled and disabled, thanks