In that case, maybe it’s not the problem. I heard somewhere that the easing style direction is swapped for some reason between the animation editor and in-game. Maybe try inversing it?
Nope, but @Bug-Support is available for messaging.
I’ve had a similar problem in the past. Your last option is to add an attribute into Workspace called “RbxLegacyAnimationBlending” and set it to true.
I sent a bug report, but my issue was probably entirely different from yours and was caused by the “AnimationWeightedBlendFix” update. I removed animations from my game, and it worked much better.
The reload animation had problems though. It would lock to the center for some reason, but it looked fine.
I recommend you send a bug report by messaging bug support.
The second video does not seem to be loading but if it doing an issue where the animation easing seems off heres a solution:
Roblox has an issue, EasingDirections made in the animation editor look normal but when these animations are played ingame the EasingDirections are reversed. E.g. the cubic keyframes in your animation, in the animation editor the EasingDirection may be In but ingame it will be played as Out. If you swap the EasingDirection, so In to Out and Out to In, it should fix this issue.
again, the bottom video wasnt loading so this is just a guess