Animation not working right

Hey devs,

ive made a nice animation with moon animator where I use the characters left hand as what holds my tool playing the animation on moon animator works GREAT. when i play the animation in studio. character is holding the tool in the right hand!?! I animated the tool a little bit but that doesn’t show either.

-- my script in case
local BoStaff = script.Parent.Parent
local AnimationsFolder = BoStaff.Animations

local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Character 
local Humanoid

local Animations = {

	Character = BoStaff.Parent
	Humanoid = Character.Humanoid	
	local currentAnimation = Humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(Animations[2])

starting to make a game. hate it ngl so many problems and they arent even related to scripting

If this is a group game, you NEED to make sure the creator of the animation you made is your group. Otherwise it won’t work

this is my own game my own animation

Is the Animation Priority set to action?

The original animation has the tool in the LEFT hand when the animation when played in studio has the the tool in the RIGHT hand the tool does not move which it is supposed to