I made a crate, named Common
Everything is setup correctly, the primarypart of the model, names, welding etc everything needed to a custom rig.
But for some reason when I run this line of script this error appears:
On the line local track = vcrate.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(script.CrateAnim.AnimationId)
the error appears, and i don’t know what it is. Before trying with a humanoid, I also tried putting an animation controller and animator on the crate, same error
humanoid:LoadAnimation requires an Animation object, in this object is where you’d provide the AnimationId. I think script.CrateAnim
looks like an animation so you should be able to use this.
On a side note, loading animations via the humanoid is deprecated so I would swap to using the animator instead.
seems like error is gone, but now the animation doesn’t play. is that because animations in view port frames don’t run? or something like that i have no idea
Yeah, animations in viewport frames won’t work unless you have a WorldModel inside of the viewport frame. You’d also parent the dummy to the WorldModel. Then animations should work.
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