Animation only playing in main account

SUMMARY: Anim playing fine with my account, no errors. Anim not playing and giving errors with other developers account.

A ServerScript is using these lines to play the anim when the block of codes reaches:

local Animacao = script:WaitForChild("LimpandoLixo") -- animation ID is inside this Object
local Anim:AnimationTrack = Player.Character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Animacao)

ERROR: Failed to load animation with sanitized ID rbxassetid://17873459152

I’m testing in studio. The Experience is under the Group Ownership. Animation was published (and verified) under the Group not the personal roblox account.
Testing with my main roblox account the animation plays correctly!
With other account the errors start to appearing and the animation is not playing.

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attach the code to the post so that people can help you


Only the creator of the group can see animations within a game under a group.

I do not know the error, but i recommend you use this instead of Humanoid:LoadAnimation()


This is as Roblox loves to change things, so LoadAnimation() on the humanoid is deprecated.

The developer account doesn’t have access to the animation asset. I think it doesn’t matter if it’s published on the same group

i noticed that the bug i mentioned in my post, in the real game (Roblox Client) this error its not present and the animation is playing correctly. So this bug only occurs in STUDIO.

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