Animation only showing in roblox studio

I’m making an animation for an npc in my game. Everything works fine in roblox studio but when I go into the actual game, there is no animation playing. The animation is looped so it’s not like the animation already played then stopped.


I think you didn’t save your work that might be the problem.

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I saved my work multiple times.

Do you have your game animation to R6?

? Are you saying is my npc’s animation R6? If thats what your saying then yes my npc’s animation is in R6.

the animations has to be owned by the same group or person as the game is. So basically the same creator like if your game is in your group then the animation must be created by the group as well. if that makes since if it doesn’t ill explain more.

I think you might have to change your npc’s animation to R15

Thank you, this worked for me.