Animation only works for the uploader and no one else


I’ve looked around the Dev Forum for anyone who has had similar issues, but in all the posts I found the solutions were all just making sure the animation and the game were uploaded by the same people which is not the problem here.

The Problem
I’m making a message system very similar to the one found in the Souls games, and I have almost everything working.

My issue however is that the system works for me, and only me. Other users can successfully navigate through the menus to “send” a message, but the animation does not play on their client, only mine. The animation is played using a Local Script located in the player’s character (StarterCharacterScripts).

In this first video, you can see that the other tester plays the animation but doesn’t place down a message, but when I go through the menu to place a message the animation plays and a message gets placed. The other tester is also unable to move after placing a message, but I am.

In the second video (from the tester’s POV) the animation doesn’t play for either their character or my character, but my character still places down a message and can move.

The game is owned and uploaded by me, and the animation is uploaded by me as well. This seems like a reoccurring issue with my animations, as a few animations I’ve made in the same game don’t play for other users but work perfectly fine for me.

The Code

The SendMessage function on the client
local function SendMessage()
	character = player.Character
	humanoid = character.Humanoid
	local go = false
	-- If message format is extended, check for other message part so they
	-- don't send a half empty message
	if bool_Temp1 and bool_Word1 then
		if format then
			if bool_conj and bool_Temp2 and bool_Word2 then
				go = true
			go = true
	if go then	
		local animator = humanoid:FindFirstChildOfClass("Animator")
		local writeAnim = animator:LoadAnimation(anim)
		writeGroup.Visible = false
		humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0
		humanoid.JumpPower = 0
		local animEvent
		animEvent = writeAnim:GetMarkerReachedSignal("MakeMessage"):Connect(function()
			local orient = character.HumanoidRootPart.Orientation
			sendEvent:FireServer(txt_FinalMessage, orient)
			animEvent:Disconnet() -- Disconnect just in case because I'm paranoid


		ResetVariables() -- Resets variables to prepare for new message creation
		humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16
		humanoid.JumpPower = 50
Code that runs on the server when SendEvent is fired
local function CreateMessage(player, content, orientation)

	local position = player.Character.RightHand.Position
	local message = script.Message:Clone()
	message:SetAttribute("Content", content)
	message:SetAttribute("UserId", player.UserId)
	message:PivotTo( * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(orientation.Y), 0))
	message.Parent = workspace.GameMap.Messages	
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@thebooshy Could you send the script?

Did you upload the animation to Roblox? / Is it public?

He most likely did as in the first video, the animation did play, it’s probably the script.

The scripts are in the folded sections at the bottom of the post

I did upload the animation, the game is public, and I’m not sure where I would make sure the animation is “public”

Sorry, I’m new to the devforum, where is that?

You can’t make it public, you just publish it to roblox.

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But anyways, where is the script in this post? I’m actually new to the DevForum

Click on either of these to see the code

The SendMessage function on the client
local function SendMessage()
	character = player.Character
	humanoid = character.Humanoid
	local go = false
	-- If message format is extended, check for other message part so they
	-- don't send a half empty message
	if bool_Temp1 and bool_Word1 then
		if format then
			if bool_conj and bool_Temp2 and bool_Word2 then
				go = true
			go = true
	if go then
		local oldValue = player:GetAttribute("AbilitiesEnabled")
		local animator = humanoid:FindFirstChildOfClass("Animator")
		local writeAnim = animator:LoadAnimation(anim)
		writeGroup.Visible = false
		humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0
		humanoid.JumpPower = 0
		player:SetAttribute("AbilitiesEnabled", false)
		local animEvent
		animEvent = writeAnim:GetMarkerReachedSignal("MakeMessage"):Connect(function()
			local orient = character.HumanoidRootPart.Orientation
			sendEvent:FireServer(txt_FinalMessage, orient, oldValue)
			animEvent:Disconnet() -- Disconnect just in case because I'm paranoid


		ResetVariables() -- Resets variables to prepare for new message creation
		humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16
		humanoid.JumpPower = 50

		player:SetAttribute("AbilitiesEnabled", oldValue)
Code that runs on the server when SendEvent is fired
local function CreateMessage(player, content, orientation, oldValue)

	local position = player.Character.RightHand.Position
	local message = script.Message:Clone()
	message:SetAttribute("Content", content)
	message:SetAttribute("UserId", player.UserId)
	message:PivotTo( * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(orientation.Y), 0))
	message.Parent = workspace.GameMap.Messages	

Bumping this because I’m still stumped as to what is causing the problem