Animation only works in studio, not ingame

I’ve made some animations that work in studio but not ingame, I have no idea how to fix this issue at all.

Animations In game:

Animations In studio:

also I used the normal roblox animate script to animate this
(I’d rather not post the script here because its 700+ lines long)

Sorry if this is the wrong category, I had no idea which category to choose.


Keep your animation script in the starterplayerscripts. If that doesn’t work maybe the animations didn’t load into the correct humanoid.

If I put the animation script in starterplayerscripts, it wont play in studio and ingame as well

I’m stupid i meant to say StarterCharacterScripts oof sorry bout that

oh, i already tried Startercharacterscripts, its the exact same result before, it only plays in studio but not ingame.

Did you make sure the character is loaded before the animation occurs?

Try to test it in a server in studio

or maybe you just didn’t update your game?

I tested it in studio server and it works, but when I test in the roblox client it doesnt.

I did update my game, I published and saved it, but it still doesn’t work

well i got no clue why it isn’t working. Try making a new simple animation script and playing it if that works on both studio and in game. It’s probably your script that’s breaking things.

Animation | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub should help.

dang debugging can get frustrating sometimes huh


can we see the code so we can fix that easily (i think.)

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He said that the code is 700+ lines long and its the default animate scripts

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I have this problem too (had) I have a solution , you need to make your own animation or if it’s your group game then publish it as group animation then it’ll work !


He said that he was using the default animate local script

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is your code has game:GetService("RunService"):IsStudio()

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yes , I know . I had this problem too so I know that he should make his own animation past in his script id and it’ll work . I tried .

  1. Make sure the animation priority is higher than Core.
    If that doesn’t work,
  2. Make your own animation script.

The latter is not that difficult and is a way better solution to this problem; the default ROBLOX scripts are really janky, complicated and spanning hundreds of lines of code as a one size fits all type of solution for most games (so that people with no experience can create their own and have functioning characters), but if you’re looking forward to creating an RPG, just make your own animation controller. Another reason for making your own animation controller is that you can change between states more easily than you can with the current default animate script, which has next to zero fluidness or responsiveness when swapping out animations.

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OH, I was making a group game and the animations weren’t created in “group animations” thanks for telling me!


What if you don’t own the game