Animation overlapping

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. What do you want to achieve?
  • I’m trying to make my idle animation and walking animation to overlap
  1. What is the issue?
  1. What solutions have you tried so far?
  • I’ve tried setting both animation priority to different types and it didnt work
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SET ANIMATIONS TO ACTION (the tool animations)
Screen Shot 2022-04-17 at 11.13.00 PM
Make sure your other animations are not action!


i set the walking animation to core and the idle to action, didnt work

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might be your anim script. you should check if it works correctly

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local plr = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local char = plr.Character or plr.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local tool = script.Parent

	char.Torso.ToolGrip.Part0 = char.Torso
	char.Torso.ToolGrip.Part1 = tool.weaponPlaceholder.BodyAttach
	local Animate = char:FindFirstChild("Animate")
	local walk = Animate:FindFirstChild("walk"):FindFirstChild("WalkAnim")
	local idle = Animate:FindFirstChild("idle"):FindFirstChild("Animation1")
	local customWalkAnim = script:FindFirstChild("walk")
	local customIdleAnim = script:FindFirstChild("idle")
	walk.AnimationId = customWalkAnim.AnimationId
	idle.AnimationId = customIdleAnim.AnimationId

	local Animate = char:WaitForChild("Animate")
	local walk = Animate:WaitForChild("walk"):FindFirstChild("WalkAnim")
	local idle = Animate:WaitForChild("idle"):FindFirstChild("Animation1")
	idle.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://180435571"
	walk.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://180426354"

totaly fine if you cant help me here but if you can, i would appreciate it.

You should seperate the scripts so there is a walk script animation and tool script

Separated the M6D connect script and Animate script, still didnt work. I think the only solution is to include the idle animation into the walking animation, kinda stink, I’m gonna use that method until I found new solution.

Is AnimationWeightBlendFix under workspace properties set to Default or Enabled? Animations won’t blend (aka overlap in this case, or mix) properly if this isn’t the case, and the last animation that’s :Play()d will overlap all before it.

Also, check if the walk animation has any animation tracks for what the idle animation controls, aka these things;

Make sure the walk animation ONLY have the legs and arms.

Tried setting AnimationWeightBlendFix to Disabled and Enabled, didn’t work. I already have the walking animation only has the legs and torso animated, idle animation has the arm and my tool animated. I think there’s something to do with the Roblox animate script.

they messed up with that. before, animations under the same priority as “Action”, “Movement” or “idle” would play over each other, now they tend to merge if you play animations of the same priority… this now ruined animations on my whole game