Animation playing but not visible at all

I am able to play my animation, but it is not visible at all

local sword = script.Parent
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local animator = humanoid:WaitForChild("Animator")
local swing = sword.Swing
local swingAnim = animator:LoadAnimation(swing)


I have asked people and look on the devforum and I havent found any.
I also tried setting the priority to action and the issue still occurs, I printed the .Priority and have confirmed it is on action.


Did you upload the animation through your account and not a group?
If so, make sure the game you’re in is through your account and not a group.

If you uploaded your animation through a group, make sure the game is through a group too.

Yes it is my game and I uploaded the animation

can you elaborate more on whats happening?

The code will run and print


but the animation isnt visible at all

Shouldn’t there be an animation ID shown?

Im printing the priority not the ID

The animation works fine
but it does not load

Are you using a normal script or a local script? As far as I can tell what you have should work but it’s possible it needs to be loaded with the right type of script.

Local script

local player is clearly at the top

Oops, missed that. Hmm…that’s really weird then.
It’s your animation in your game with the right priority and I see no errors in the script…
The only other thing I can think of would be double-checking the ID of the animation and if that’s good then re-importing the animation into the animation editor using the animation ID just to make sure there’s nothing weird going on there.

For me I cant publish a new model due to “You must be logged in to perform this action” I know it is on priority, I can send the .rbxm or .rbxl

Turns out I had avatars set to only R15 and the animation is r6

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