Hey, I’m trying to play an animation I animated in a rig with a joint connected from the right arm to the greatsword, in the rig it works fine.
On my character it looks like this:
-- Anims
function Animation.Set(charOb, set)
local animate = charOb.Character.Animate
local anims = Animation.Sets[set]
for i,v in pairs(anims) do -- idle, animName
if animate[i] then
for x,y in pairs(v) do -- Animation1, id
animate[i][x].AnimationId = y
Joints on the rig and in my character are in the same places with same part0 and part1
the C0 is definitely set correctly
Primary part is set
I have no idea why this is happening, does anyone have any ideas? (not sure if this is a script error or animation error)
it’s not a tool, more of a “custom” weapon system with just models, no tools used at all. However, I am using just one motor6d for when I unsheathe/sheathe the weapon, should I be using 2 instead of just reparenting the same one and changing the part0 and part1?