Animation Playing In Reverse?

I don’t know where to put this(and yes, it is not a script problem)

I’ve been creating knife animations for my game and I’ve come across a problem, when I preview the animation it plays in reverse, and no I do not have reverse selected. It also doesn’t work as intended when played on a character wish a script, it still reverses. I’ve even checked beta features but there are no features which could correspond to this.

I have no idea how to fix this

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We can’t do anything unless we know more about the issue.

Send us a video of the issue.

I can’t really download any video recording software and my Xbox game bar doesn’t seem to have a recording software. Are there any that you don’t need to download?

As far as I’m aware if you have Windows 10, the game bar should be having recording software. If not, download OBS. Windows don’t have a built-in screen recorder. Roblox Studio has one I think, but it’s kind of laggy.

It says my computer doesn’t meet the hardware requirements, I’ll just use roblox studios’ software.

It can be found at

For a strange reason, if you have a keyframe at the start of the animation, it doesn’t reverse?

robloxapp-20220817-1135047.wmv (216.3 KB)

Is that supposed to be the bug? That’s normal behavior. When you press play at the end of the animation preview, everything goes back to the first frame and starts playing.

I have no idea what happened but it may have resolved itself? Honestly this is one of the weirdest bugs in history.

I may bump this topic if this bug comes back.

I see, problem was I rotated the arm too much back

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