Animation playing incorrectly

Oh boy, another animation issue. Here we go again.

I’ve created a run cycle animation for my custom movement script, and it plays/stops etc just fine. The issue being the animation itself:

Hot garbage. Anyways, seems like the animation directions have been inverted somehow, or my animation changes that I’m publishing simply aren’t updating. Probably the latter.

All animations are stored in replicatedstorage. When the character first spawns, a character-parented localscript iterates through the animations, and stores the respecting animationtrack to a table. I can then just simply index the animationtrack and play it through there.

if moving and not anims["Run"].IsPlaying then
elseif not moving then

Then again, as stated, I don’t think the code is the problem.

It’s a wacky one, help is most appreciated.

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Can you show the event that the part of code that you provided is from?

I have. There is nothing more to show. The animation is simply played when moving, and stopped when not moving.

Are you replacing the existing animation instances? Can you make sure the speed is set correctly?

Speed isn’t changed anywhere. The instances aren’t being replaced.

I know the problem for this and I assume it’s purely just cause of the plugin. How the official roblox animator’s easing styles work, it looks completely different when exported in game. Try re-doing those same easing styles with moon animator and see how it looks. You can see if you swap the Easing Direction of the running animation it will look better.

There is a glitch with cubic easing styles in the animation editor, you have to switch IN to OUT and vice versa on the easing directions.


Now thats a weird one. One day, in the distant future, ROBLOX animator will be decently stable.