Animation playing not correctly,

What do you mean by taht?

No the problem I said was what I said on another way, as I forgot tha seat is also an animation :sweat_smile:

Oh no, I am getting bad at English. How can I understand this… I thought you were saying I have to float the seat… ?

No I didn’t mean that, I mean that as the seat makes you play an animation if you also play an animation it puts you in weird poses, try setting the animation priority to Action4

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It worked but legs are touching the floor.

If I make seat float the animation will not work again.

I’m not sure but if I’m not wrong there’s an offset in the seat?


This one?

What was the animation priority before you changed it to Action4?

No, I’m not sure but I think there’s some kind of setting that allows you to offset the player? Or else you will have to move the player directly, there’s 2 ways I woudl so this:
Make the animation put the player in a higher position or
Make a script taht makes the weld/player go to a higher position

I think the reason it looks like that is because the animation overrides the original sit animation, which makes the legs raise up

Action I guess. If its correct

Example please. Sorry for asking.

I’m guessing the script you are using is from this post?

Also Humanoid:LoadAnimation() is deprecated so use the animator of the Humanoid.

I think the problem here is the animation priority because it should be working perfectly fine.
There’s a solution in this post:

One of the responses is pretty helpful:

local Game = game
local Players = Game:GetService("Players")

local function OnPlayerAdded(Player)
	local function OnCharacterAdded(Character)
		local Animate = Character:FindFirstChild("Animate") or Character:WaitForChild("Animate")
		local SitValue = Animate:FindFirstChild("sit") or Animate:WaitForChild("sit")
		local SitAnimation = SitValue:FindFirstChild("SitAnim") or SitValue:WaitForChild("SitAnim")
		SitAnimation.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://0" --Change '0' for the desired animation's ID.

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No that is incorrect. I should have make the animation more up when player sits but I dont know how

Nvm, that is correct. But I dont know how to position upper.

If you want to make the animation do it, for the first frame make the HumanoidRootPart be on a higher position, I can’t give you an example right now as I’m away from my computer, the second would be to make a script like:

HumanoidRootPart.Position = HumanoidRootPart.Position +,howMuchYouNeed,0)
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No, that doesnt work. Any other?

The other would be to move the weld but I’m not sure of how to do taht sorry :sweat_smile:

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