Animation playing old version(temp cache)

Not sure if this belongs in client or studio…

So, I ran into a rather strange bug today where online, it was playing an old version of an animation. (I can confirm it was old as it was entirely different from the new one I overwrote it with). On studio, it was playing the new one fine.

Unsure on what the problem was, I consulted with a friend @EmptySet, who had the same problem and found the solution.

I had to delete my temp files in C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp , and this fixed the problem. I joined online, and the new animation was playing.

I’m glad the solution was found, but can we get a fix for this?


Sorry to bump but can we please get a fix for this or a response?
If I release my game I’d rather not have to tell all my players,

“Oh, every time I update make sure to delete your temp folder in appdata so you can see any new animations”

I could create a new animation instead of saving over every time, but this would really be appreciated

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I’m having this problem too. Empty offered the idea to delete my temp files, and I ended up deleted 8 gigabytes worth of files.

Oh, and how are the 320 animations coming along?

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Not bad, they’re not particularly hard animations it’s just tedious work

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I am currently trying to replace the core R15 walking/running animations. However when I do so I encounter choppy animations and I attempt to make small tweaks in order to get them right, however, when I try to overwrite the animation, it just tells me its “uploaded” but it continues to play the same animation, thus making my previous work useless.

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Did you mean to post this in this category? I think it should be in Client Bugs (#bug-reports:client-bugs) instead, since it’s not really a bug that needs to be private. You can move your bug report to the right category by hitting the pencil icon next to the title, and then selecting the right category. Try it out!

Also, I would encourage to update your post to contain more details on this bug. Perhaps you can include imagery/gifs/video to depict the issue more clearly.

Make sure that you have all the items in this checklist sufficiently covered:


Thank you man, I am still new to this forum. I appreciate it.


This is likely the same caching issue described in this thread:

For now a workaround is to clear your cache by deleting the files in C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\Roblox\http.


For anyone confused by the four posts above: they were merged here from another thread.


This is still a substancial issue, particularly as I can’t be sure which version of the animation the player has loaded.


Yeah I don’t think it was ever brought to attention :confused: I’ve just gotten used to uploading new animations to overwrite and updating the asset ids

I don’t see how it’s not on an important priority list, because lots of game actions and effects are sometimes bound to keyframe labels. So if you have anything relying on that and they have an old animation from the cache, their game is basically broken lol


This remains a problem. Can we get acknowledgement from engineering?

Summary: Roblox clients cache KeyframeSequence data for Animations and (sometimes? always?) continue to display the old animation even after the developer uploads a different version of that KeyframeSequence to the same Animation AssetId.


This is still an issue, I’m constantly having to re-update animations because the correct version isn’t pushing to the server.


Unless you are experiencing a different problem, it’s not that the animation isn’t being published to the server, it’s that clients with the old version cached aren’t checking whether it’s been updated (and keep using the cached version).

The workaround is to publish every Animation as a new Animation (instead of updating the old ones) and replacing the IDs in your scripts/Animation objects.


It’s still pretty irritating how this is the work around developers have to use. Who thought it was a good idea to cache assets and not update the cache if the asset changes? :roll_eyes:


Yea it just has to do with the caching, once @Noble_Draconian and I clear our cache’s, the animations play just fine. I would love for this to be fixed though, I hate asset clutter and having to spam reupload animations.


Goodness, this issue even happens with devices that haven’t loaded the old animations before.
In my game, there are a handful of animations I’ve reused and updated, some of which use keyframe events to pause or slow down the animation. I tested the game on my friend’s Xbox (which obviously hasn’t loaded the old animations at all before) and it played the original versions of every reused and updated animation! None of the keyframe events loaded due to this, and it caused a few issues. It didn’t load the new versions until I rejoined the place; however, that doesn’t make me any less anxious about what a new player’s first experience will be unless I go through and reupload every animation as a new one. It’s honestly a workaround that shouldn’t need to exist.


Bumping instead of making a new thread, as it is the same issue. Ran into this issue myself today, and of course it was fixable using the solution TheGamer101 mentioned above. This isn’t really an acceptable way for animations to work though. As mentioned earlier in the thread, some game actions and effects rely on keyframe names. Not all animation updates are minor changes either, so if an old version continues to be used by clients that already have an earlier version cached, this can really ruin a player’s experience.

It isn’t feasible to have any players delete their cache or any other potential methods of getting the right animations when they join. The only solution we have as developers is to make a new asset and change the ID anywhere we may have it written in our games. It’s a waste of time and open to mistakes, this shouldn’t be the process we go through to update animations. I really hope this can be a problem of the past sooner than later.

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Bumping this because I switched from using markers to named keyframes in my animations and now my weapons are broken for users who have played before unless they rejoin to get the updated version.

Animations are always loaded and cached on the player’s client when they join an experience and will not update ‘live’ during a play session. So this is working as designed so long as they receive the new animation when they rejoin.

If anyone is still encountering the original issue reported in this thread (having to manually clear the temp files from the OS in order to see new animations) please reply with an example, but that was seven years ago and the expectation now is that all clients cache per play session as described above.