I have an animation made by my friend, and for some reason when applied to a character, it plays like it was rotated 90 degrees or something
Here is a video:
Any suggestions help. Thanks!
I have an animation made by my friend, and for some reason when applied to a character, it plays like it was rotated 90 degrees or something
Here is a video:
Any suggestions help. Thanks!
I’ve been searching through DevForum and I haven’t found anything
are you sure you are correctly attaching the knife to the yellow guy in the same way you are to the grey dummy? in terms of C0 and C1s
Yes. I also tried it on the grey dummy and it had the same outcome
are you also sure you are not leaving empty keyframes at any point in the animation allowing for the base idle/nothing to override it, and are you making sure the animationpriority is higher than the base roblox animation script if you haven’t deleted it.
EG for keyframe
I currently have animation priority set to Action4, but there are a few empty keyframes
empty keyframes can lead to roblox filling in the gaps on the specific parts that are missing keyframes with their base animations, but only if you have no closing-keyframe, attempt to fill them in by right clicking the main keyframe and then add keyframe here…
let me know if this is the issue if not I’ll think further
I filled in all of the keyframe gaps, but it still doesn’t work.
I find it weird that the arms move completely normally, yet the knife doesn’t
may i see the structure of your knife, are you animating it as a model using a primary part or just as a mesh connected to the arm with a single motor?
Animated using handle
So I guess as a model with a primary part
yeah it seems the problem happens directly when the dummy starts passing the knife from the right arm to the left arm
i will make a quick repro file and update you on what i find, give me a few…
Okay, ty
Don’t mind this
yeah I can’t reproduce your issue with neither R6 nor r15, mine just works
i would ask you for your repro file if you have no important stuff inside of it but if this is a privacy risk to you then don’t mind that
show me the snippet of the code where you load the animation so we can add some more lines for debugging
local animator = script.Parent.Humanoid:FindFirstChild("Animator")
local rg = script.Parent:FindFirstChild("Right Arm"):FindFirstChild("RightGrip")
motor = Instance.new("Motor6D")
motor.Parent = script.Parent:FindFirstChild("Right Arm")
motor.Part0 = script.Parent:FindFirstChild("Right Arm")
motor.Part1 = script.Parent.StarterKnife.Handle
motor.C0 = rg.C0
motor.C1= rg.C1
local function animInstance(id)
local anim = Instance.new("Animation")
anim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://".. id
return anim
local testAnim = animator:LoadAnimation(animInstance(132533671746048))
while true do
This is the code I’m using to play the animation on the rig
ah that’s better, I was about to start checking for other playing animations, let me take a look
oh, wait, you can’t access animations i think
If needed, I can send a file with the keyframes so you can publish it yourself
if the issue is not in the animation itself but in the setup of the rigs then any animations should do, I’ll try with a template I just needed your structure of the knife tool
ok after trying a few methods, problem most likely comes from the way you structure the tool with grips and stuff… personally I’ve structured it a bit differently and can’t seem to reproduce the issue either way https://gyazo.com/76326c4615dba5a19754e0b22c1cf063
give me 1 moment to check something