Animation plays once on the client, but loops on server

local h = script.Animation
h.Looped = true
local b = script.Parent.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(h)

hope i helped you…
also if the “Looped” doesnt work, make sure to make the wave looped inside of animation editor if it doesnt work.

As far as I know, there is this bug with animations where sometimes, the first time you play an animation, it won’t loop, even if the Looped property is true. This is definitely a bug and should be reported, but I’m not sure if this happens for everyone or if it even got patched.

The way Roblox worked around this was complicated, they made a keyframe marker at the end of the animation called End and used a keyframe marker signal to play the track again or reset the time position back to 0.

I guess you can first see if there’s an End marker by importing the animation with
AssetService InsertService and opening it in the animation editor, and if not, you could add one yourself and republish the animation.

Somebody said that a couple posts ago. The problem is that I don’t own the animation so I can’t edit it.

oh then have you looked in the toolbox for the roblox wave?

I just did I couldn’t find it.

oof… well did the code at least work?

Script error:
Key 'Looped' not found in class 'Animation'


try the “while true do” function.

im doing my best to help you!

Don’t while loops freeze the game unless you put a wait?

do this:
while true do

It works now. Thanks so much!!

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no problem! have a blessed day.

Oh I just did

while true do
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I have having this same problem again. On the server, the animation loops infinitely. On the client, the animation plays like 8 times and then just stops playing. Please help!!

It’s not a problem caused by you, it’s an issue with Roblox’s buggy animation system. I have the same issue.