Animation Positioning when ran via script

Hello, I wanted to see if anyone else was having the same problem as me. I made 3 animations, my character animation, orb animations, and a camera, and the camera and orbs work fine but for whatever reason, when I run the animation via animation editor, it all works great, but when I run it through “LiveAnim1:Play()”, my character animations don’t match the rest because I’m for whatever reason above the orbs and camera, entirely out of view. The HumanoidRootPart is anchored, I tried disabling my CanCollide, and all 3 animations are the exact same length and run at the exact same time, it’s just almost like my character animations overshoot. Does anybody else have this problem, or know how to solve it?

(Also, all 3 animations have their priority set to “Action4” to ensure nothing overrides them.)

Thank you if you took the time to read this, and I am grateful for any and all help.

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Am bumping this, I’m running into the exact same problem and just can’t figure it out.
The animation is overshooting certain keyframes ( by a lot ) even tho all looks well in the animation editor…